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 | A panel history by Dimitra-Chrysoula Kardakaris for the Project “We Can Do It! Women’s labour market participation in the maritime sector in the Upper Adriatic after the World Wars in an intersectional perspective” (acronym: WeCanIt; grant agreement no. 894257).
The mission of the website www.wecanit.eu is twofold. On the one hand, its purpose is to communicate the research results of the “WeCanIt” project to the widest possible audience; on the other, it is to disseminate the above-mentioned analytical approach. In short, its primary goal is to present the multifaceted and multidimensional nature of women’s involvement in the North-eastern Adriatic maritime working and business activities in modern times. As in the North-eastern Adriatic region, maritime labour was women’s business too. Similarly, maritime industry not only involved the big shipping companies based in port cities, but it was also what we could term “provincial maritime capitalism” – where women took the lion’s share – and, last but not least, it encompassed all the working and business activities connected with fisheries in the riparian communities of the region.
Source: We Can Do It! - WeCanIt
Project Manager, Dr Erica Mezzoli, University of Ljubljana
In the section 3, Offshore Women. Capitalism, Labour and Shipping, you can find the history panel.
Marigo Kulukundis: un “invisibile” capitano d’industria - WeCanIt
 | An International Conference
Saturday 19 – Sunday 20 May 2018
Venue: Municipal Council Chamber, Island of Hydra
Conference organised by the Interdisciplinary Animal Studies Initiative [IASI], School of Oriental and African Studies [SOAS], University of London.
 | "Old worlds, new worlds? Emerging themes in maritime history"
27 June-1 July 2016
Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia
 | The Sylvia Ioannou Foundation announces the 2nd International Scientific Conference on The Greek World
in Travel Accounts and Maps, entitled "Corsairs and Pirates in the Eastern Mediterranean, 15th–19th c.". The aim of the Conference is to highlight the historical dimensions of a phenomenon that has recurred in the Mediterranean history up to the end of the 19th century.
 | The new book by the editors Gelina Harlaftis and Katerina Papakonstantinou is now available online.